Frequently Asked Questions
Before deciding to book your complimentary call you may want to know more about
health coaching. That's completely understandable, here is some more information
which should help you to decide. If not feel free to drop me an email and I'll happily help.​​​
What is Health Coaching?
Health coaching is a personalised approach to help individuals achieve their wellness goals. The coaching space is a gift—a safe, judgement-free environment to explore your unique solutions. We'll work together to explore and set meaningful goals and actions, guiding you toward your overall health and lifestyle vision.
As part of the journey, HRV (Heart Rate Variability) insights play a role in understanding your body's stress response and energy patterns. This data helps further tailor strategies to your unique needs.
I will provide education where necessary, along with support, encouragement, and accountability. Through this process, positive behavioural changes are fostered, leading to lasting and sustainable improvements across all aspects of your wellbeing.
Is Health Coaching for me?
Working 1:1 your coach will get to know you, to understand your goals, your values and strengths and most importantly your VISION.
Working with a health coach does require your active participation and willingness to take responsibility for your health. If you are ready to make positive changes a health coach can provide the guidance and support you need to achieve. Are you ready?
Isn't stress necessary?
Stress gets a lot of negative press, but yes, it is fundamentally necessary. It prepares your body to respond to everyday challenges and to perform when necessary. Complete avoidance of stress would mean avoidance of challenges.
We do need to make sure the body has time to rest and recover though. More stress equals longer periods of good quality recovery are needed. Think of it like your personal battery, with HRV we can look at how much stress is using up your battery and how well you are recovering and recharging.
Why measure stress and recovery as well as sleep and exercise?
The Firstbeat Life sensor is developed specifically for monitoring and analysing all aspects of stress and recovery to gain a complete picture of your well-being and factors affecting your health. We'll look at the balance between stress and recovery and the reasons behind any imbalance.
I already wear a measuring device
The Heart Rate Variability (HRV) monitor is a pro-grade health and wellness sensor. It's in-between the commonly used wearables and medical devices. You'll keep a diary and be able to see the connection between your reactions to daily events, getting data at physiological level.
Why measure HRV and not heart rate?
Most wearables only measure heart rate (HR), this is a useful indicator of how intense an activity is and the physical load you put on your body.
With your sensor we'll see HR AND Heart Rate Variability (HRV). Where HRV reveals a more detailed picture of what is happening on a physiological level, and the recovery process controlled by your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems - the body's accelerator and brake pedals!
What does a session look like?
After the WELLth check call and agreeing to work together we'll arrange a suitable time to meet, most likely online using Zoom, unless we're local to each other.
We'll work together to explore what you're looking to achieve and across what areas of your life. My tried and tested program will allow us to review all areas of your lifestyle.
Each week you'll have a goal and clear actions to move you forward in you health and wellness journey. Unlike counselling health coaching is forward focused and uses your strengths to better yourself and build powerful motivation to take you towards your vision.
How long do I need?
Instead I will ask YOU to answer that question, and to answer this properly think about how long it has taken for you to get to where you are now, how long your habits have taken to become ingrained. In your personal transformation that we go through together you need to be kind to yourself. By that I mean allow time for the old habits to be changed and the new habits to become second nature.
At least initially we would usually work together weekly, for a number of sessions, typically a minimum of 6.
I have three wonderful packages which you can choose from based on your goals and the level of support you might need. As you progress, sessions may stretch to fortnightly with monthly maintenance programs also being useful to help keep you committed and on the right track.
How much does it cost?
Are you asking how much your poor health is costing you? Then only you can answer that.
A better question might be "What value are these sessions going to bring you?"
Can't afford it or perhaps can't justify the cost? Then think about how much you spend on the less than healthy choices in your life and what they're costing you.
Instead start to think of your health as an investment, not as an expense.
What does a WELLth check involve?
My gift to you during our 40 minute call is to give you the space to explore:
What you want for your health and happiness and to uncover how you REALLY want to look and feel as you identify your goals.
What you don't want and what's in the way, shedding light on the challenges that hold you back.
Why it's important to you.
And why it needs to be addressed now.
I like to call these a WELLth check as being healthy and well means more than financial wealth. This call is the start of your solution.
If there is rapport between us I would invite you to work together. We'd then set up a start date to suit.
East Grinstead
West Sussex
What clients say . . .
"I would definitely recommend your service to other people. I’ve found you to be very supportive and also felt that you empowered me to lead how I wanted to benefit and find my own answers. I really like your style, you’re very calm and patient. No question ever felt too silly and I always felt like we took everything at my own pace."