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Samantha Ford

If you change nothing, nothing will change

Do you feel stuck, unable to make the move you know deep down will change your life for the better, but something is stopping you?

Perhaps you are stuck in an unfulfilling job. Perhaps you dread most weekdays and cannot wait for the weekend to come - only to realise you are too mentally exhausted to do anything fun! You feel flat, stressed, un-motivated - but know there is something better out there for you.

Ask yourself why you are resistant to making the changes you know could make you happier.

I get it....

I regularly talk to people who are frustrated with their current situation, and many are dissatisfied, anxious or struggling with their current job or life situation.

It can be tough to be in a job, lifestyle or situation which sucks the life out of you instead of igniting a spark!

The good news?

If you’re here, reading this post, then know you have started to think about making a change for the better.

New challenges can feel scary, and staying the same can feel somewhat comfortable - I understand. As a Health Coach, I speak to people every day who are debilitated by fear of change.

But here's the thing....

Know it is possible. I know it does not matter how old you are, what background you come from - if your current lifestyle is not serving you well then it is time to make a change.

If you change something, something will change.

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